Sunday Funday
- 1:06 PM
I've done my exams yesterday and it felt amazing knowing that you won't keeping your books every night and sleep late so you didn't get a proper time to sleep. I'm free now.

Anyway i have made some improvements in my blog, and it's not as hard as i thought though. And i absolutely love my new theme because it's so simple yet so elegant.
Currenly i just chilling around the internet while eating some snacks and i really miss this moment. Nothing to be stressed. No homeworks, teachers, exams anymore. I'm having my 'free weeks', when you come to school doing nothing. Actually there's some events created by our school organization but i'm not interested. I prefer to being at home than go to school being a totally trash there because you're bored af. No way. But the sad thing is my mom forced me to go to school, she said the teacher will count my absent and it will affect to my score. I know she's right but i don't care about it. I mean, why would i go to school if i doing nothing there? It just waste my time. I seriously hate my mom who thinks that i should obey all the school rules' so teacher sees me as a 'good student'. I know i should follow the rules. I do my homeworks and school's works and i'm one of the student who get good scores in my class. But my parents always wanted me to get the highest score. When i was in elementary and junior high school i used to get the 1st rank in my class. Especially in the elementary school. I think i only get the 2nd rank less than 5 times. Maybe 2 or 3 times. That's why my parents want me to be the best in high school but it's different now. My friends in elementary and junior high school is not as smart as my friends now. Nothing can stay the same. Which it does with my ranks,too. Actually i think i'm not smart. I'm not clever. I'm not genius. I'm just an average student who's lazy af but when it comes to the exam weeks i would sleep at 1 am only to study. I have never study after school finishes. I'm being really honest here.
But the annoying and disappointing things is, my parents didn't appreciate what i have done. They always wanted me to be the best. The first. Not to be the second. Even though i've defeat a thousand people out there and get the 2nd ranks, they will not be satisfied. This happened on me. I joined a competition back when i was junior high school and i got the 9th ranks out of 200 hundred person, i think. And when i told them my mom said, why don't you be the first? It really made me sad yet so angry. I mean, it's 200 fucking hundred person and for the god's sake, i defeated 191 person. That's not easy. It's really hurt, knowing your parents never satisfied for what you've done. It does.
My mom also said a few days ago, if my scores is less than 8, she will take my phone and keep it until, i don't know. Maybe after holiday finish. Even though i only get one subject that less than 8. I'm so angry. Really. I know i will get some subject less than 8, i know. But it's really unfair, she doesn't have to do that. She thinks if she impounds my phone i will study more? No. It will never affect me. I honestly don't know what i should do if that happens and, ugh. I hate life.
Okay, now i'm getting so angry writing about that things here. Let's talk about the other.
I will have my holiday right after my exam's result being shared. Dad bought a new camera few months ago and i can't wait to capture some uniques things there. Maybe i will put some of them here. I just really can't wait!!!
Also, here i put my favorite jam here, i don't wanna live forever by Zayn and Taylor Swift. I forgot to mention that i'm a hardcore swiftie, i'm a really big fan of her and when this song came out it made me jump in my bed and repeated that song 1762986 times in a day. I was such a dorky that day.